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Awaken the Inner Guru
Morning Flow (90min)
From Struggle to Freedom
Your Presence is the Greatest Present
Journey into Freedom
Getting to the Core
Sunrise kiss
A new beginning - now, now, now...
Way of the peaceful warrior
Take your practice to the next 'level'
Loving Presence
Tools for expanding awareness
Simple & Deep
Just Breathe
Getting Started on a cold day
Be Steady Be Calm Breathe
Morning Flow Beautiful
Thorough lots of vinyasa
Just right
Thorough lots vinyasa 2
Deepest honor - least resistance
Slow Flow (90 min)
Moving Meditation of Deep Self-Acceptance
I Love You Hips and Shoulders - Here's a gift
Breathe Breathe Breathe
Silence and Space: The greatest teachers
Absorbing into Fullness
Moving into Stillness
Sweet Harmony
The Great Reveal - A deeply meditative practice
Breaking it down, building it up - alignment emphasis
Loving Awareness
Flow flow flowin'
Grounding and letting go (hip releasing)
The Great reveal
Hatha Yoga (90min)
A Whole System Release & Reboot
Unconditional Yes
A Deep and Juicy Joint Release
A Gift for the Whole Being
Embody balance
Finding the Balance
Gotta ground to soar
Peace and True Power - an intimate relationship
Expanding Awareness - potent practice
Steadiness - physical, breath, mental
Back to the Roots
Steady Calm Breathe
Gentle Yoga (60min)
Deep Calm, Deep Kindness, Deep Restoration
Relaxing into Being
Simple, Slow, Subtle — Delicious
On the floor - serenely restore
Simply Being - A moving meditation
Happy Hips
Joint Love
Thank You. I love you.
Wake Up - Natural espresso (great way to start the day)
Wind down - natural tranquilizer (great way to end the day)
I love you hips and shoulders - here's a gift
Gentle Sweetness
Gentle & Thorough ( Sun Salutes + 6 ranges of the spine)
Expanding awareness
Feelin' good
Breath Inner Outer Awareness
Gentle Thorough
Joint Softness
Joints and Spine
Dive Into Self
Joint Softness
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